A blog dedicated to the researchers who dyed a captured chimp's fur pink, then released it. The other chimps promptly tore it to pieces.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Who makes this shit up anyway?

Hmmm. Maybe it wasn't the new layout after all.

This rating was determined based on the presence of the following words:

shit (5x) fuck (4x) crap (3x) gay (2x) death (1x)

"Gay" appears to be the kiss of death. Or maybe it's "death" - who knows?

Now THAT'S more like it!

Online Dating

Guess they didn't like the new layout.


Online Dating

Do you believe this horseshit? Annti gets a NC-17. S.Z. and Scott get a NC-17, and for fucking GAY, of all things. What do _I_ get? An R.

Best of all, check this out:

This rating was determined based on the presence of the following words:

* shit (3x)
* fuck (2x)
* ass (1x)

So "shit" "fuck" and "ass" are only worth an R rating, but "gay" is NC-17. Am I the only one who sees something a bit off here?

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Does this bozo look like Presidential material to YOU?


Oops, sorry! Wrong picture. Try this one instead:

Perfectly natural mistake.