A blog dedicated to the researchers who dyed a captured chimp's fur pink, then released it. The other chimps promptly tore it to pieces.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Kansas City reacts to the death of George Tiller

So-called "pro-life" folks are whooping it up on the KC Star's comment sections about the murder of "abortion doctor" George Tiller as he attended church in Wichita this morning. The moderators are deleting as fast as they can, but they're outnumbered by the loonies and can't keep up. Here's a sampling saved from the bit-bucket by quick cut-and-pasting:

seriousjuju wrote:

Bottom line, you live by the sword, you die by the sword. How this monster made it this long is beyond me. A person who can deliver a baby that is at 36 weeks gestation and stab a knife through the back of it's head gets what's coming to him........PERIOD. I don't necessarily agree with how it was done, but sooner or later, when a person lives his life hiding behind a law murdering children who are completely viable, he's going to get his in the end, and Tiller did. The world will be a better place without him.
Recommend (4)

I think it's the fact that other people actually recommended this that gets me the most. They recommended these, too:
wvsonofliberty wrote:

Quit making this a right and left issue! I didn't vote for either! It's a matter of listening to your conscious and coming to the realization that KILLING IS WRONG! You don't have to be right, left, up, or down to see that. What of all the people that pig killed? How many did he kill? I bet you don't even know. Because you lack a conscious and any sort of common sense of right and wrong has been flushed out of your brain. Pro-Choice? Well today a guy with a gun made a choice. The right choice. What is the difference? This guy killed for a living and you praise him as if he was a hero. But if another man makes a choice and kills the killer, you act like he is a criminal. For doing the exact same thing. Ending a life.
Recommend (2)

wvsonofliberty wrote:

The true idiotic act was letting this guy start this killing spree to begin with. You can try to put off a fetus as nothing more then a brainless blob, but murder is murder. That will be the death of us all.

You can't re-define what life is for the sake of convienience. Next thing they will be tryin to justify abortions if the fetus looks like it may have asthma after it's born.

Can't you see what is happening? Life is defined. You can't change the definition. Murder is defined. You can't change the definition. So for those of you upset of the slaughtering of this pig, you really need to look inside yourselves.
Recommend (7)

wvsonofliberty wrote:

Finally someone had the guts to take this murderer down. Abortionist? Doctor? He was a killer. A cold-blooded killer. It is unfortunate he had to die, but 1 life must sometimes be taken in order to save the lives of many. Especially the inncocent who have lacked the ability to defend themselves against this sicko. Hope hell is nice Tiller. Looks like you'll be there for a while.
Recommend (6)

hoffstyle wrote:

Burn in hell *cough* Doctor *cough* Holocaust. Satan is welcoming you into his arms as we speak. I hope you are put in the deepest pit of fire. LOL@Tiller.
Recommend (2)

cuda wrote:

So someone aborted the abortion doctor?Real late term too.But then we need to cry for this garbage and talk about the good things he did for his patients?lol wtf are people so fuckin stupid they praise the death of a baby by these killers?I for one would like to see more killers punished for their roll in the government sanctioned murder of the most helpless of human beings.The unborn and the newborn.My guess is straight to hell for doctor death.
Recommend (9)

kelvinsampson wrote:

Hey shovel,

He was such a nice guy huh? Just like Charles Manson and Adolph Hitler.

This guy didn't give a damn about his patients. He performed abortions because it made him a lot of money. Apparently, you are too stupid to figure that one out.
Recommend (9)

cutter991 wrote:

Jeebus, you stupid moronic ultra-realist, there is no way to explain faith to someone who see death as the final curtain. So you figure your soul is as worthless and meaningless as that of a cat? Or maybe a cockroach? Wait, I know, you're going to say that they have no souls. How the hell would you know that you faithless moron? If you know that death is the final curtain call then what the hell reason do you have to live right now? Why not just load up a .45 and see how far your brains will blow across the room? Hell you don't have anything to lose right? The worst thing is that it's not just you, there's a load of people participating in this stupidly foolish and totally misdirected blog that have no faith whatsoever. You know what most people with zero faith are? Criminals. Of course there are a few so called Christians that just as bad. But then, they are not really Christians.
Recommend (1)

gypjet wrote:

Until they catch the killer and confirm that he is a pro-lifer, then you liberals ought to shut up and quit slandering good people.
Recommend (9)

milesfromkansas wrote:

The fact that such a vile, barbarous practice as 3rd trimester abortions is legally protected, and evidently supported by the majority of posters on this site, underscores the depths of depravity our society has sunk. Apparently the constraint of allowing abortions only during the first trimester is simply too inconvenient for those with busy schedules. Today right and wrong are alien concepts, and morality is a dirty word.
Recommend (13)

EL_Proudo_Americano wrote:

The definition of Liberalism is Extremism, and yet they are surprised when good, God fearing people fight back.
Recommend (8)

mizZOU816 wrote:

the shooter is a hero, he has saved many babies' lives.
Recommend (3)

eelg wrote:

I guess I'm one of those right wing extremists. I'm anti abortion in any form and cling to my guns and religion. Didn't we all know it was going to end this way? I'm not sorry to see him go. There will be some phony denominations performing the ceremony along with throngs of radical leftists supporters of the "Butcher of Wichita" to bid him farewell. After the flowers and plants have been tossed in the dumpster like so many babies Georgie is through.
Recommend (8)

gypjet wrote:

He died a quick death, unlike the 8 month old babies who he partially pulled out of the womb, punctured their skulls, and then sucked their little brains out with a vacuum, and then tossed them in the garbage. Liberals love killing children, so they will be the sad ones today.
Recommend (2)

gypjet wrote:

Oh goody, another excuse for the flaming libs to paint Christians with a broad brush of hatred. Don't worry libs, you can still strive to teach kindergartners about homosexual sex, and some abortion monster will just take Tiller's place so you people can get abortions as birth control.
Recommend (11)

milesfromkansas wrote:

The only way his death could be more Karmic would be if his brains were extracted with a turkey baster.
Recommend (7)

MyTwistedSister wrote:

To Ekhym: some would say that Tiller was a terrorist (albeit a "legal" one) who has been brought to justice. His death was no more violent than the violent deaths he orchestrated on a daily basis. I do not condone his death but I cannot express regret that he met the same fate as the infants who suffered under his hand.
Recommend (5)

hoffstyle wrote:

Who cares? He's dead and burning as we speak. I don't care about his family, I don't care about the people who "love" him. All I care about is that a murderer has finally received the justice he has eluded for the longest time. He can't hide behind the pig known as Kathleen Sebilius any more. Hahaha.
Recommend (4)

At least these two didn't get any recommendations. The first rage-gasm is a real classic, delivered in response to one commenter questioning the Christianity of the commenter:
cutter991 wrote:

Hey Mary_Lynn you self serving egomaniacal FOOL you wouldn't know a Christian or Christianity if it kicked you in your FAT A_S_S. Stupid phucking W h O-R-e. Who in h,ell do you think you are telling me I'm not a Christian? Stupid, ignorant dumb bastich. This may not sound Christian to any of you fools with you self important issues sitting in your comfortable little houses and your monstrous bills but no one tells me I'm not a Christian. You want violence? I'm sure it would gratify you all to see it. Mary-Lynn if I ever find out who you are that insult that you just said to me will get your jaw broken in many pieces. That's a promise. Hide behind your computer you freak. But just jump up and repeat what you said to me and then identify yourself. I will bust your jaw. And anyone else with a stupid smart A-ss attitude like that.

milesfromkansas wrote:

Consider it a 165th trimester abortion. Good riddance.

In some ways, I can sympathize - I'd certainly be dancing a jig if Dick Cheney dropped dead of a heart attack, so I can't really fault them for being honest about their feelings. I'm more critical of the Operation Rescue/Kansans For Life statements of phony "regret" for something everybody knows damn well was one of their fondest wishes - getting rid of George Tiller. The only thing they regret is how bad the way it happened makes their movement look.


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